Monday, June 23, 2008

Internet Income Generator

Make $20000 in 20 days Online With Your Computer Only

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SEO Issues With Global Expansion

By Aaron Shear, Search Engine WatchCommon issues plague the search space within the global search market. The most common of these issues occurs when a U.S.-based company expands globally. While this company may have an extreme advantage in the U.S. with both brand and search engine presence, these companies typically spend little or no time with their expansion plans overseas.For example, adding a link to bring a user to a different database. Let's look at the UK. A cookie may be set up when a user clicks on the link, which will then bring the user to a localized session. This session may be optimal for their needs, but search engines won't accept the cookie and won't travel down such a path.

The only way a search engine can determine if a particular page or "site" should be listed within a specific country is seen by one of two options:The domain name or top-level domain. Most countries require address verification during the registration process in order to deliver a local domain.Location of the hosting environment. Each country has been assigned IP ranges. These pools of ranges are then passed down to hosting companies and providers of Internet access. Search engines are able to determine which data centers they belong to based on a check to see if they are within a given range.Google has provided a service within the Google Webmaster Tools that helps Webmasters tag their site(s) to a specific country. This can be especially helpful if a Webmaster or company is using sub-domains that may or may not be hosted in a single country.A few things to consider when making a decision to either keep your hosting in either a single country or multiple countries:Search engines like Google commonly have local data centers. They may not crawl a site completely from this location, but it's extremely likely that they'll calculate the user experience based on a local attempt. Thus, if you don't have a dedicated pipe to this market and you're competing in an aggressive space, you may want to consider other options -- especially if you wish to compete with other local companies and or services, which may be based out of the specific market you're looking at. The operations department within your company may consider this to be a low priority. Thus, research and educate these teams on what the possible upside and or ramifications of their choices may be.Another extremely important note: if you move a domain from one IP to another, you'll likely reset "filters" that may throw your site out of the index for a period of time. Take care in any location change and calculate a loss in rankings with any major decision you might make.In conclusion, it's important to keep an eye on the user experience and make sure that everyone can get to the pages in a reasonable amount of time. Anything over one second is too slow, so try to keep your latency below 500 milliseconds for optimal coverage within Google.

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4 SEO Tips For Higher Search Rankings

By Eric Enge, Search Engine WatchEvery site is different. This may seem obvious, but you need to put that statement into a SEO context. The rules for improving the ranking of a site will vary from site to site. That fact is often overlooked when people begin laying out their search marketing strategy.Let's look at a couple of examples of how sites can differ:Based on authority. Low authority sites, for example, will improve their search rankings more slowly.b>Based on age.

Similarly, new sites will be treated differently than sites that have been around for 10 years. Older sites have much more accumulated trust than newer ones.Penalty Factors. For example, Google has a system for flagging sites for potential problems. Action might not be taken for having a single one of these flags on your site. Perhaps you need three of these flags before an actual penalty is assessed.Based on Freshness. Some sites spew out completely topical content on a regular basis (e.g., major news media sites or active blogs). These get crawled and updated in the index on a completely different schedule than other sites.Other than number four, all of these factors relate to search engine trust. If someone gives your site a site-wide link, and you have a new site with low authority, there's a good chance this will be seen as a potential spam signal. If you're operating a 6-year-old site that has established good authority, and someone gives you a site-wide link, there's a good chance that a site-wide won't raise any signal.
As for penalty factors, this is the process of messing up your trust ranking, whether intentional or not. In most cases, you can remove a penalty factor, and things will be restored in time. How long this takes depends on the site's trust factors. For some sites, it may take only a few weeks to recover, while others could take many months.Also, if your site has wild fluctuations in rankings and traffic from Google, that's a sure sign that some penalty factors are in play with your site. The reason for the thrashing back and forth is that Google tunes parameters in its search algorithm on a daily basis. When they tune that parameter in your favor, you pop back in, and your traffic soars. When they tune that parameter back again, you pop back out and traffic drops.What Could Vary Based on Trust?Let's look at some other things that may vary based on your level of trust:Duplicate Content Filtering. Search engines prefer to show only one instance of a particular piece of content within their search results. If they see multiple copies, they use an algorithm to try and determine the original author of the content, and to show only that page. However, with highly authoritative media sites, they can often show up in the results with duplicate content, in addition to the original source. This is something that would never happen with a site with a low level of trust and authority.Growth Patterns. Young sites often show a step function oriented growth. Adding tons of great links to their profiles may not seem to make any progress. Suddenly, as you cross some threshold, search engine referrals hit a new high. This can happen at several levels along the way. I tend to think of this as needing to pass through some trust thresholds (but this is just my conjecture). As the site grows older, and more authoritative itself, this step function characteristic begins to go away. Search engines begin to respond more quickly to the changes and enhancements you make, and the great new links you add.Judging Penalty Factors. Search engines look for signals that a site is a spam site. They look at hundreds of possible signals. Guess what? Tolerance for potentially spammy behavior can vary from site to site. A 10-year-old domain with great links may have a variety of edgy practices on their site. These same edgy practices may take a less authoritative site into the penalty box.Freshness Matters. Freshness is its own animal. Certain sites that establish sufficient authority, and that publish a constantly changing stream of content, can have changes indexed within hours. This relates to a phenomenon that Google refers to as Query Deserves Freshness. One place where this makes clear sense is with breaking news. However, I've seen this happen with sites that aren't all related to news.SummaryExperienced SEOs have internalized all this, which is why they'll almost always counsel a major brand that's launching a new content initiative on their existing site. Starting a new site and bringing it up to greatness takes a serious amount of time.Adding a new category of content to an existing authoritative site can significantly shorten the time required to get some respect for new content, particularly if the new content is thematically close to the existing site's content.Based on where your site is in its life cycle, these four great SEO tips may not work the same for you as they do for someone else. If you have a new SEO client, and you're trying to set expectations, be aware that the strategy that worked so well for a past client in the same industry might not work quite so well with this new client. This is what makes SEO hard. Simply put, you have to get used to the uncertainty of it all.

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Choosing A Process Server

Powered by Personal Computer

In civil court matters, a process server is someone who serves or delivers legal documents, ie. subpeonas, summonses, court orders, various legal notices and in some cases writs. Process servers normally fall into one of four (4) categories: 1. Registered or licensed process servers: In most states, process servers are registered by their county. In some states, like California a process server, once registered in one county can serve papers in any other county within that state. In some other states a process server can only serve papers in the county in which he or she is registered. Most, but not all counties, when registering a process server require the applicant to be bonded or insured.

2. Private detectives and investigators: In most states private detectives and investigators are licensed by the state and exempt from registering as process servers. They and anyone in their employ can serve legal process and when doing so are considered officers of the court. 3. Sheriffs, Marshals and Constables: Sworn peace officers. 4. Non registered or licensed individuals: Friends, relatives and others. In many states as in California a non registered individual may serve up to ten (10) legal documents each year provided that individual is not a party to the action at hand. ie: a plaintiff or defendant, etc.. When the service of the paper has been completed the server must sign an affidavit that the paper was served properly. That affidavit must usually be signed under penalty of perjury. It is not usually a good idea to have a non professional serve process. They do not normally know the laws and rules involved in process serving nor do they usually know how to fill out a proper proof of service. Either of these can cause a service to be declared invalid and possibly cause you to lose the case or at the least force you to start over. Additionally many people attempt to evade service and a professional has a better chance of completing service. Finally, process serving can be very dangerous. Many people get very angry when served and attempt to take it out on the process server. Over the years I have had many servers beat up and attacked with knives or clubs or hit with thrown rocks. I have had several servers that were non fatal victims of vehicular attacks and three servers that were shot, several more were shot at but not hit. At one time, Sheriffs, Marshals and Constables were considered good choices for serving papers, however that is not now usually the case. Most Marshals no longer serve papers and many Sheriffs and Constables are so busy doing other things that your papers may sit for weeks or longer before or if they are taken out for service. Additionally, many people, when the see a Marshal's or Sheriff's uniform, just do not answer their door. The Sheriff or Marshal walks away and the papers are returned unserved. Licensed private detectives and investigators can sometimes make the best servers, however not all of them serve papers and many believe that since they are "big shot" investigators they should charge far more than registered process servers. Others serve so few papers that they sometimes "make a mountain out of a molehill" and turn a fairly easy service into a difficult one. Other investigators turn every service into an investigation in order to run up billable hours. Then again, if you find a good detective agency, they will have numerous service assignments and investigators that can serve papers fast and efficiently for a reasonable fee. Most licensed investigators can be trusted to be honest about the papers they serve. It is not easy to obtain a license and if they get caught commiting perjury by saying they served a paper when they did not or if they get caught billing a client for work that was not done, they can lose their license. If they lose their license they are out of business as they usually can not get a license reinstated. Additionally, in most states, complaints can be filed against a licensee and those complaints are investigated. Prospective clients can contact the state licensing board and obtain a record of adjudicated complaints. Registered process servers usually know the laws and rules and for the most part are honest and hard workers. In most counties it is, however, easy to register and there is usually no licensing body to keep an eye on them. Therefore, if the registration is revoked the server can usually get a friend or relative to register and then the server can list himself or herself as an independant contractor working for the new registrant. Also there is no experience required in order to register. Finally there is usually no place where a prospective client can check for or file a complaint against a registrant. The only recourse a client usually has against a registered process server is to file a law suit against the party and then if a judgment is obtained to go against the registrants bond. Note, however that not all registering counties or states require a bond and those that do usually require a bond of $2000.00 or less. When searching for a process server take care. Do not choose just anyone. Never use a friend or relative. If you find a server over the internet do not just go by the looks of the web site. A person can be a poor web site designer and a good server or vice versa. Call the server and ask questions based on the foregoing information in this article. If the server refuses to speak with you do not use his or her services. If the server is a licensed investigator check out the license. Contact the Better Business Bureau and see if they have any information. Try not to use a one person operation as he or she may not be able to keep up with the workload or may be forced to charge high fees in order to make up for a lack of steady business. When making your choice do not go by price. Expensive servers are not necessarily the best just as inexpensive servers are not necessarily the worst. Hallstrom Detective Agency was considered to have one of the best process serving divisions in the United States, yet we charged less than almost any other service in the country. Ask about addirtional fees. Many companies quote a low initial fee and then tack on a fortune in incidental fees. For links to directories listing process servers, private investigators, detective agencies, court reporters, people finders and more, offered for attorneys and other legal practitioners visit a directory of directories listing links to services of use to the legal profession. The foregoing information is not given as legal advice. It is instead given as information and opinion gathered and developed through experience over the last thirty years. David G. Hallstrom, Sr. is the owner of Hallstrom Detective Agency and although the agency no longer offers process serving services, it has, through it's servers, completed service of several hundred thousand legal documents. Although the author believes the information to be accurate no guarantee is made or implied. This article may be reprinted, at no charge, provided that credit is given to the author and that any links contained herein are retained and kept active. ©Copyright 2005 Resources For Attorneys. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.David G. Hallstrom, Sr. is a retired private investigator and currently publishes several internet directories including a legal and lifestyle resources directory for attorneys, lawyers and the internet public.

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Free Money Making Website

Still Not Making Money Online? Free-Well Pay You $150 Per Day

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Get More Profits With Us Very Fast 250% After 1 Day Join Now

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Shop Online Make Money

Earn Shopping Rebats On Purchases Unlimited Income Potential For Life

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Work At Home

How Can a Part-Time Work at Home Business Opportunity Equal Full-Time SuccessHow many hours a week should you have to put into the right work at home business opportunity? An important question might be what defines success when you are working from home in your own business? In this article we are going to attempt to answer these questions. The number of people working at home is at an all-time high, that's for sure. Many people have a home business that they use to achieve their dreams and they never leave their front door to do it.

What is interesting is the number of hours that it takes to get a home business started. What many successful entrepreneurs do not tell you is how many hours they put into building their business before they became successful at it. I would submit to you that starting a home business from scratch is never as easy as it sounds. As a matter of fact you may even have to work twice as hard as you do at your full-time job. On the other hand, if you already have a full-time job and are starting your business on a part-time basis it may be possible for you to develop a full-time income. Consistency is a key factor when you work on a part-time basis. If you lead a busy lifestyle outside of work it might be tough for you to develop a work at home business opportunity into a full-time career. However, the Internet is making that possible as well. You can achieve about any level of success that you want by outsourcing many of the day to day activities. The Internet makes it possible for you to outsource everything from website design to article marketing and blogging. There is no shortage of people willing to work for you if you are willing to pay them. This definitely makes it possible then to develop a part-time home business into a full-time success. Full-time success can be defined on various levels. A lot of people really do want to quit their job as quick as possible and need replacement income totally. Others want to supplement their income and use that money for various things including finishing the basement, taking a vacation, paying off bills, and so on. Regardless of what your goals are, you can certainly turn a part-time work from home business opportunity in to whatever you want to be. The key is to manage your time and your money properly to help you get where you want to be. Elmar Sandyck is dedicated helping others to succeed online. It is his passion. He has been making a substantial income on the internet from the work at home opportunities described on his website. If you want to start your own successful home based business please visit his site to learn more here now : ====> Article Source:

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Best Internet Marketing System

The best internet marketing system is now revving upThe best internet marketing system is now revving up. The traffic is organically finding you. Now what. Forget gulping, there's no time for that... It's time to get your Squeeze Page ready. A Squeeze Page is a dangled carrot, a way to put some KILLER content in front of your traffic and to "dare" them to leave their first names and emails to learn more about your offer. I WANT TO STRESS SOMETHING HUGE HERE: this dangled content has to be SPECTACULAR or do not bother.

Do not offer an ebook that you and 6.3 billion others have the rights to...that's pointless. You need to go out and have found and assembled great content and then cut it into delicious bite sized bites and then made it ready to go out via emails. Now this content in YOUR best internet marketing system could be mp3 files, video, plain text emails, html emails, links to anywhere, social bookmarking widgets...whatever you want. But the more ENGAGING AND ENTERTAINING the better. Sorry, we live in web 2.0 land now! Okay, brace yourselves becomes here's the big news...GOOGLE HATES YOUR SQUEEZE PAGE! WTH? Google hates it because it's an ad (which really is what a Squeeze Page is.) This means you will get destroyed on your Quality Score for this page. Meaning higher PPC prices and far lower showings on the content network. Bad and worse. But there is hope. Ta da! There is software out there that will turn your hated Squeeze Page (a CRITICAL part of your best internet marketing system into a LOVED one. It creates DYNAMIC CONTENT INSERTIONS. (This is key for everyone doing content generation like I'm suggesting and ALSO using that page to get immediate results using Google AdWords.) With a dynamic Squeeze Page, you will get a Quality Score of "GREAT" from Google. You will be the envy of your friends, and if you open your CONTENT network up, you will get about a million impressions a day!!! Want to see a dynamic Squeeze page in action? You'll love this...go to the link you see below and then type in "WHATEVERKEYWORDYOUWANT.html". Seriously, right after best/video-game/ type in "chocolate monsters" or "killer nuns" or "explosive onions" it DOES NOT MATTER! The page will reload. Scroll to the bottom every time and look at all the new ULTRA TARGETED content you just generated. The jaded internet gurus will roll their eyes when they see this...because they don't want you to know about it. But I do. If you would like a page like this for yourself NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE SELLING, contact me through the link below. Part four of the best internet marketing system is being written as we speak. This is fun, no? To learn EXACTLY how you can start using this best internet marketing system TODAY, and how you can have my partners and I working with YOU, WATCH OUR FREE 9 VIDEOS by visiting And to read get a Dynamic Squeeze Page of your own, contact Kevin at and use the Subject Line "Squeeze Page Inquiry." Article Source:

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Make Money Online

A few ways to make money onlineThere are many ways of making a residual income or just a little bit of extra cash in your pocket by using the internet. It can be very hard to make money online, but if you have the right tools and the confidence, it can become very easy and make you very wealthy. Making money online is a great way to live, and if you are good at it, you can get out of those 9-5 jobs that we all hate! A few ways to make money online: Online surveys -Most of these will not make you very rich, but can give you quite a bit of extra money in your pocket and all you have to do is give your personal opinion.

MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) -These are programs you can sign up for and invite people to join and use the site product and get paid. These are kind of like pyramid schemes, which are illegal by the way, except these have other products. (some are free but others will have an initial fee or monthly fee) Affiliate Marketing -This is a great way to make money online. You get paid to traffic people to sites and can get paid with pay-per-click or pay-per-sale using affiliate programs. Works good if you have your own website. Selling- If you have products that you can sell, using the internet is a great way! Anyone can make money online. All your really need is a computer with access to the internet, your brain, and the initiative and confidence to accomplish success! Learn how I make Money online!!! Article Source:

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Internet Based Affiliate Marketing

How to Set Yourself Apart From Your CompetitorsInternet based affiliate marketing industry has grown significantly over the years. It believes to be one of the best and easiest ways to earn money online. The concept of affiliate marketing bases largely on revenue sharing and commission-based payment schemes. Many people attracted to this business, which means more competitors for you. In most cases, you and your competitors will promote the exact same program, in the same exact zone, or even the exact same websites. In this very competitive industry, there are some aspects to consider setting yourself apart from other affiliates. Have your own website. If you are serious about your business, it is very essential to have your own website.

Your website will act as your showroom where you display your products or services. Your potential customers will visit your website to learn about your products or services. If they found what you are looking for, they will then make the purchase. Write your own ads When you join an affiliate program, many times the merchant will provide you with some ads to promote. However, these kind of generic ads are not too effective. People usually just ignore the same ads they saw repeatedly. By writing your own ads, you can tailor your ads to encourage people read your ads and be curious to click through your website. Have your own product. Once your website is running, it's important to have some products that your customers can't find at other affiliate's sites. The best way to keep your customers come to your site is by having your own products or services. Build strong relationship with your customers. To fully answer the query of your potential customers, it is best if you buy and try the product yourself. You will be able to share your personal experience with the product to your customers. Build your credibility. It is important to be honest to your customers. If you find out the program you are promoting is a fraud, stop promoting it and inform your customers about it. You will gain trust from your customers. Admitting your mistakes also will increase your customer's confidence in you. Focus on one niche market. So many products or services on the market you can promote. However, it is not a good idea to promote everything you find. It is better to focus on one market and promote products that the market would want, which called niche marketing. Internet based affiliate marketing is a huge business that continue to grow. It is likely that the industry can potentially become a profitable way to earn income. However, it will not happen over night. Like everything else in life, you are going to put a lot of hard work to make it a success. Be ahead of the pack with Internet based affiliate marketing program that works at: => Article Source:

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Successful Internet Marketing

Rule of Thumb Guide to Successful Internet MarketingWhat id Internet Marketing? We all use many other names to describe the same actions. Bottom line is, we want to sell whatever in order to make money. It reminds me of an advert for antiques. "We buy JUNK and sell ANTIQUES". Marketing is the ART of packaging our product and presenting it to a potential customer in such a way that they want to buy and will buy. This means we need to know; 1) Our customers, their likes and dislikes. This information is invaluable as it is the KEY to successful Internet Marketing. 2) Source or create suitable products or services to suit our targeted markets. Remember that no one product will suit all customers.

3) Advertising RULE is the same. Your Ads must project an image which will suit your group audience. This means your Ads MUST be different in their appeal. 4) Another rule we need is FLEXIBILITY. By all means see what your competition is doing, but don't be a copy cat. Be creative in your presentations, this includes your PACKAGING of products as well as ADVERTISING. See if they are working and be prepared to Trash or Amend as the case may be. Since there is a huge field of competition out there, the above paragraphs are not a ONE TIME do and I can sit back and become rich. To stay on top we must be like the champion athlete who trains every day. He eats drinks and sleeps his burning desire to stay ahead of the competition. Two words come to mind, Dedication and Commitment. You want to be a successful Marketer then apply these words to your Vision of being successful. It is a case of Review, Review, Review, and then Review again and revise if necessary. Don't believe all the hype you read about getting rich quick. Nothing is free in this life! YES you can and will get rich provided you apply that four letter word; WORK. Those who got rich discovered this secret of dedication. Another word to describe dedication or commitment is Sacrifice. In other words "Short term PAIN for long term GAIN" Listen up; I could go on about how to sculpt your Ads and how to set up sales pages. That is the easy part for there are many books and stuff on the Internet which deal more effectively than I can in this article. Here is the deal, be a good manager. Do I mean your website? No, that is important but not so important as in Setting Goals and Time Management. You have a vision to get rich that is your major goal. However to reach there you need the where with all to be an achiever. Acquire the necessary knowledge, which means setting lesser goals and this is where managing you time comes in. Prepare yourself well before embarking on the venture of you life. This is where sacrifice comes in. Fewer nights out, less time spent in front of the TV. If you are a family person, you need to manage your time even more so. Why do so many would be 'Get Rich" fall by the way side? Simple, they are not good managers. They lacked dedication and commitment with no real preparation. Perhaps too, a little gullible for believing you can be an "Arm Chair" million heir racking in the LOOT! Friend, it takes a lot more to be a successful Internet Marketer. Submitted by George Brown AnuStart Article Source:

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