Monday, June 23, 2008

Best Internet Marketing System

The best internet marketing system is now revving upThe best internet marketing system is now revving up. The traffic is organically finding you. Now what. Forget gulping, there's no time for that... It's time to get your Squeeze Page ready. A Squeeze Page is a dangled carrot, a way to put some KILLER content in front of your traffic and to "dare" them to leave their first names and emails to learn more about your offer. I WANT TO STRESS SOMETHING HUGE HERE: this dangled content has to be SPECTACULAR or do not bother.

Do not offer an ebook that you and 6.3 billion others have the rights to...that's pointless. You need to go out and have found and assembled great content and then cut it into delicious bite sized bites and then made it ready to go out via emails. Now this content in YOUR best internet marketing system could be mp3 files, video, plain text emails, html emails, links to anywhere, social bookmarking widgets...whatever you want. But the more ENGAGING AND ENTERTAINING the better. Sorry, we live in web 2.0 land now! Okay, brace yourselves becomes here's the big news...GOOGLE HATES YOUR SQUEEZE PAGE! WTH? Google hates it because it's an ad (which really is what a Squeeze Page is.) This means you will get destroyed on your Quality Score for this page. Meaning higher PPC prices and far lower showings on the content network. Bad and worse. But there is hope. Ta da! There is software out there that will turn your hated Squeeze Page (a CRITICAL part of your best internet marketing system into a LOVED one. It creates DYNAMIC CONTENT INSERTIONS. (This is key for everyone doing content generation like I'm suggesting and ALSO using that page to get immediate results using Google AdWords.) With a dynamic Squeeze Page, you will get a Quality Score of "GREAT" from Google. You will be the envy of your friends, and if you open your CONTENT network up, you will get about a million impressions a day!!! Want to see a dynamic Squeeze page in action? You'll love this...go to the link you see below and then type in "WHATEVERKEYWORDYOUWANT.html". Seriously, right after best/video-game/ type in "chocolate monsters" or "killer nuns" or "explosive onions" it DOES NOT MATTER! The page will reload. Scroll to the bottom every time and look at all the new ULTRA TARGETED content you just generated. The jaded internet gurus will roll their eyes when they see this...because they don't want you to know about it. But I do. If you would like a page like this for yourself NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE SELLING, contact me through the link below. Part four of the best internet marketing system is being written as we speak. This is fun, no? To learn EXACTLY how you can start using this best internet marketing system TODAY, and how you can have my partners and I working with YOU, WATCH OUR FREE 9 VIDEOS by visiting And to read get a Dynamic Squeeze Page of your own, contact Kevin at and use the Subject Line "Squeeze Page Inquiry." Article Source:

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