Thursday, July 17, 2008

Building a List: The Key to Success in Making Money Online

Learn how listing building can increase your sales.
Alan Liew

There are plenty of ways to make money online. You can set up a blog to write about your hobby, share your thought and place some AdSense ads on your blog to earn a few extra bucks. Alternatively, you can make money as a freelancer by searching on the online freelance marketplaces to find some projects or work that match your skill.
Or you have good knowledge in online marketing, you may create an info product with a website and sell it online for profit through pay-per-click advertising like Google AdWords.
The choices are endless.
The Internet is huge and growing every minute. As it grows, previously held reservations about making online purchases are disappearing and options for generating online revenue are increasing.
Like any other things, making money on the internet does require effort and time. I dont think there is someone can win the internet marketing game and find himself/herself rich overnight because it requires consistent effort and a great deal of work to become a success. However, this doesnt mean that you must quit your day job to work 12 hour per day on your Internet business until you slump over your keyboard, exhausted.
You will need to work hard, but the results you get will be multiplied if you work smart at the same time.
One of the smartest ways to Internet marketing success in the long run involves the creation of your own opt-in mailing list.
The money is in the list. You probably heard this short sentence a few time before if you have been involved in Internet marketing for some time.
The reason for the sayings popularity is the kernel of truth it contains. Money is in the list. Having a massive mailing list doesnt guarantee your success on the Internet, but its a lot easier when it is there.
Heres the basic strategy.
Over time, you gather email addresses from people interested in your products, services, or information. You convince these people to allow you to mail them useful information (how-to guide, articles, tips, etc), occasional announcements, sale offers and so on.
Over time, you grow that list.
You provide your list with valuable information and resources; and build a level of trust and credibility. Then, when you have something to sell, you send to your list to let them know about it.
Predictably, a few percent of your list-members will purchase your products every time an offer is sent to them.
Every Internet marketer wants targeted traffic. They spend a lot of money on pay per click advertising or for buying text links in different websites and blogs that they think will send them that targeted traffic.
Your list is like having a ready base of prequalified buyers to whom you can communicate immediately without having to persuade them to visit your site.
There are several ways you can get quality buyers, but the easiest way is by building and managing a quality list.
If you are making money online with Internet marketing and dont maintain a list, immediately search for methods to start building that collection of prospects.
Maintain good relationship with them; offer them something of value, and eventually you will be able to depend upon them as a smart way of working hard to make money on the Internet.
Alan Liew has been involved in blog marketing for more than one year. He publishes articles and tips on the Internet to help people learn how to [make money online] (link:

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