Thursday, July 17, 2008

Internet Marketing: Have a Strategy

John Mclean

Having a strategy before you start an Internet marketing campaign is just as important as having a business plan when you start your business. While most business owners will say that they are very mindful of their advertising dollars, many of them will not be able to tell you how effectively their hard-earned money is working for them; especially when it comes to their web presence.
Like anything, there are advantages and disadvantages to Internet marketing which is one of the major reasons you need a strategy before you tackle it.
One of the major advantages is simply the availability of information that anyone can gather at any time or place, as long as they have an Internet connection. If you live in a small area, or don't have a lot of money to spend on traditional advertising and marketing, the Internet can be a great way to reach millions of people at a relatively inexpensive cost.
However, there are also disadvantages to Internet marketing. You may have the most brilliant web designer, but if the website is not user-friendly, it will bomb quickly. Also, since the Internet doesn't allow a shopper to touch, taste and experience the product before making the purchase, your website must appeal to a psychological need that they have; one they want to fill.
You must also get traffic to your website. You can use many different methods to drive your traffic; pay-per-click, link building, and banner ads are among a few. However, once you get the customers there, in the absence of face-to-face communication, your website must ultimately convince them to take action. What is the step you want them to take? Is it to buy a product? A service? Sign up for a newsletter? Only you know the answer to this question, but once you figure it out, you'll have a good hold on what your Internet marketing strategy should look like.
Use Internet statistics to your advantage. Find out where your ideal customers currently shop and then benchmark their sites. What do they have that you don't? Implement changes slowly, over time, to see what works. One of the easiest ways to land flat on your backside in an Internet marketing campaign is to do too much all at once. You can end up spending thousands of dollars, only to be left with no idea what made you money and what didn't. Not only is it frustrating, it can deplete your budget pretty quickly.
A solid Internet marketing strategy can increase your leads, subscriptions to any ezines or newsletters you offer and increase sales. Who doesn't like the sound of that? In addition, it gives you a quantifiable measurement to determine how well, or not, your marketing is working out.
Internet marketing doesn't have to be difficult, it just needs to be focused and creative. There are a lot of businesses out there on the web competing for the same dollars you are trying to land. When in doubt, ask your customers for feedback about your site. What could you change to make it better serve their needs? Make changes slowly and see results in no time!
Adrian McLean is an Internet Marketer with the leading [Internet Marketing] (link:, please visit

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